John Foxe Project

A new, definitive edition of John Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the English Martyrs, based on a textual reconstruction of the four editions published in Foxe's lifetime.

John Foxe (1517-87) fled to the Continent during the reign of Mary I, and on his return, wrote a history of the English Protestant martyrs from the 14th century to his own time. Usually known as The Book of Martyrs, it traces the triumph of Protestantism through the sufferings of English Protestants.header-foxe

The facsimile of the 1583 edition was published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press on CD-ROM in June 2001.

This ‘Category One Research Project’ of the British Academy has produced a new, definitive edition of John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments of the English Martyrs, based on a textual reconstruction of the four editions published in Foxe’s lifetime.


Duration: 1992 – July 2011

Project Team (at the time of completion; please see the website for a complete list of contributors)

  • Prof. M Greengrass
  • Prof. David Loades
  • Dr Tom Freeman
  • Dr Joy Lloyd (Research Associate – University of Sheffield)
  • Keira Borrill (Research Associate – University of Sheffield)
  • Michael Pidd (The Digital Humanities Institute)