Renaissance Cultural Crossroads

A searchable, analytical and annotated list of all translations out of and into all languages printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland before 1641.

The Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Catalogue is a searchable, analytical and annotated list of all translations out of and into all languages printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland before 1641. It also includes all translations out of all languages into English printed abroad before 1641.scriptorium-monk-at-work

RCC draws on the second edition of the Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 edited by A. W. Pollard & G. R. Redgrave and is modelled on the online English Short-Title Catalogue, although offering additional information on the translations and translators.


Duration: 1st September 2007 – 14th July 2010

Project Team

  • Prof. Brenda M Hosington (PI)
  • Dr Demmy Verbeke (Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
  • Dr Sara Barker
  • Susanna de Schepper (Doctoral Student)
  • Michael Pidd (The Digital Humanities Institute)