Digital Art History Projects

My paper investigates how various digital technologies are implemented in the sphere of art history. I outline main issues that digital art history projects are trying to solve and, based on that, analyse three main categories of such studies defined by technologies used and areas of investigation. First category involves networks analysis: such projects use data analytics programs (Gephi, Network Workbench) to examine connections between particular groups or individuals (artists, collectors, art dealers, etc.), art markets and other networks of exchange. Second type of digital art history projects involves Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping. Such studies use both maps and data sets through online programs like MapBox, Timemapper or Neatline to analyse changes over time and space. Third category deals with high-resolution imaging and dynamic image presentation. These projects deal with panoramic or high-resolution imagery, conservation images, including x-radiographs and infrared reflectography, and digital facsimiles of longer works. Besides examining each category and specific digital technology implemented, I look into several successful examples of every category and investigate how they have contributed to the sphere of art history.