The Hartlib Papers

Title:Bill Of Exchange, George [Strelles??] To John Tye
Dating:10 September 1640

Mr John Tye:/ London this 10th September 1640 l s d
                                             " 18"00"00
Att sight of this my second bill of exchange my first and third nott beinge payed, I praye paye vnto Mr Christian Ravius, or his assignes the sume of Eighty three Ryalls of [8/8?] the vallue heare Received rateinge the Ryall att 4s.4d starleing; I praye make good payment and place itt to my account as Per aduice
                         your loving frend
                              Geo: [Strelles?]

     To Mr John Tye
      Marchant; dd 3