The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, James King To Hartlib
Dating:16 October 1640
Ref:27/11/1A-2B: 2A BLANK

               Wirthie Sir
these ar to saleut you kyndlie, and to reander yow heartie thanks for your expressit loue in fauoring me with your letter, the reason I heaue bein so vnciueill in not seunner requytting your kyndnes in answyring yow, measter durie his absence hes bein the cause of my neglect, for he being at bream his letters and pakquets was kiept vn brok vp till his returne, this I trewlie plead for my exceuse which I <houp> will be acceptit with yow, newes heir for the present ar, that the tow capitall armies ar gone to ther winter quarters, the Imperiallists in the stifts. paterburn and munster, and in the counties, as mark:berrie: saurland, and in the nichtbouring pleacis, banneir and the duik of longaueill which ther [tun?] armies lodgit alongst the Weaser, betwixt the leand and the Weaser, they say <the> hessish or at least a peart of the hessish trups ar gone to ost freisland, the duik of lunnenburrick his trupps lodgis in the rest of his ouin land, this is all I know for the present, quhat farther shall fall out [catchword: so]

so long as I am heir in this tawn ye shall be acquentit with it, for I am shortlie to teak my Iornay for swedden, yet giff ye wrytt to me ye will be pleasit to derect your letters to mr auerie or to Iames haringtoune quho will sie them derectit to me heir, [where?] I remeane
                           your euuer affectionat
                              freind to searue
Hamburrie the 16 of                  yow
 8ber 1640                         Ia:king

              To his honorit and
              much respectit freind
              Mr Samuel Hartlipp