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27 January 1612
Dolphin of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
23 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
27 January 1612
Dolphin of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
9 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
27 January 1612
Dolphin of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
10 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
27 January 1612
Dolphin of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
27 January 1612
Dolphin of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
7.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
27 January 1612
Dolphin of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
3 September 1612
Flower of Lynn
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
2 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
28 January 1612
Margaret of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
28 January 1612
Margaret of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
9 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
28 January 1612
Margaret of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
28 January 1612
Margaret of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
15.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
28 January 1612
Margaret of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
4 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
25 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
12 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
4 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
3 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
6 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
24 November 1612
Matthew & John of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
10 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
7 July 1612
Pleasance of Lynn
Lisbon, Portugal
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
3 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Italian | Naples
30 September 1612
Pleasure of Lynn
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
1 Butt Alcohol | Wine | Muscadel
4 March 1612
Priscilla of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
4 March 1612
Priscilla of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
6 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
4 March 1612
Priscilla of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
4 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
4 March 1612
Priscilla of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
0.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
4 March 1612
Priscilla of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
4 March 1612
Priscilla of Lynn
Bordeaux, France
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
4 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French

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