
Browse Types

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23 July 1594
Andrew of Pittenweem
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
30 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
16 July 1594
Black Dog of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
30 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
11 March 1594
Black Horse of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
162 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
18 July 1594
Dove of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Veere, Netherlands
60 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
20 June 1594
Golden Sampson of Rotterdam [CHECK ORIGINAL]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
12 Last Accessory | Clay
4 March 1594
Judith of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
gernsey? gemsey.
17 Last Alcohol | Malt
7 June 1594
Judith of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
80 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
3 June 1594
Seahorse of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
80 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
28 November 1593
Dove of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
25 Quarter Alcohol | Beer
26 June 1594
Edward of [illegible] [CHECK]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
15 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
14 May 1594
[Illegible] of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
20 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
20 June 1594
Swallow of Amsterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
110 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
7 January 1594
St Thomas of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Veere, Netherlands
40 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
21 April 1594
Haddock of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
85 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
12 January 1594
Haddock of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
20 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
2 August 1594
Haddock of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
4 Barrel Alcohol | Beer
8 March 1594
Flying Feather of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
30 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
31 May 1594
Flying Feather of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
40 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
28 January 1594
Falcon of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
1 Last Alcohol | Barley
21 July 1594
Rose of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
70 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
16 May 1594
Bonaventure of Calais
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
30 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
6 June 1594
Elizabeth of Montrose
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
20 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
20 September 1594
Elizabeth of Montrose
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
12 Tun Alcohol | Beer
23 February 1594
Daniel of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
133 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
25 April 1594
Ann Phillipps of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
114 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
17 January 1594
Horse of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Veere, Netherlands
95 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
27 May 1594
Horse of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Veere, Netherlands
50 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
22 July 1594
Angel of Saltpristor [CHECK]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
4 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
12 January 1594
Golden George of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
50 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
3 June 1594
Black Dog of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
60 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
May 1594
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
70 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
8 December 1593
Christopher of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
40 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
25 January 1594
Fortune of Senksea [?Tenksea] [Metters]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
5 Ton Alcohol | Beer
28 January 1594
Fortune of Senksea [?Tenksea] [Metters]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
30 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
6 June 1594
[Illegible] of Rotterdam CHECK
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
6 Last Accessory | Clay
30 April 1594
Flying Hart of Leith
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Leith, Scotland
60 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
11 July 1594
Grace of God of Carcare
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
90 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
9 March 1594
Thomas of Dundee
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Dundee, Scotland
15 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
26 February 1594
Mackerel of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
150 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
24 January 1594
[Illegible] of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
25 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
26 June 1594
Golden George of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
80 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
20 June 1594
Christopher of Yarmouth [CHECK ORIGINAL]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
100 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
25 June 1594
Nightingale of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
27 April 1594
Jonas of Anstruther
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
1 Tun Alcohol | Beer
6 September 1594
Andrew of Diseworth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
3.5 Tun Alcohol | Beer
8 December 1593
Hope of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Veere, Netherlands
55 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
24 January 1594
[Illegible] of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
40 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
18 May 1594
Gabriel of Tergoe
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
70 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
October 1593
Black Cat [check destination]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Alcohol | Barley
26 June 1594
[Illegible] of Rotterdam CHECK ORIGINAL
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
100 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
7 March 1594
Thomas of Dundee
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Dundee, Scotland
9 Tun Alcohol | Beer
22 June 1594
Jennet of Linsworth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
33 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
16 February 1594
Anne Phillipps of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
50 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
22 March 1594
Ann Phillipps of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
60 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
26 April 1594
Salamander of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
80 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
18 May 1594
Ann Phillipps of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
120 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
13 June 1594
Salamander of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
50 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
29 April 1594
William of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Leith, Scotland
30 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
February 1594
Greyhound of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Possibly Rotterdam
50 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
14 July 1594
Falcon of Linsworth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Leith, Scotland
2 Tun Alcohol | Beer
7 January 1594
Bonaventure of Calais
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Calais, France
20 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
2 January 1594
[Illegible] of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
80 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
10 July 1594
Jonas of Leith
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Leith, Scotland
120 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
4 September 1594
Andrew of Diseworth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
1 Half Tun Alcohol | Beer
20 February 1594
St Thomas of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
95 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
11 March 1594
Reign of Dundee CHECK
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
7 Tun Alcohol | Beer
3 December 1593
Horse of Veere
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
120 Quarter Alcohol | Barley & Malt
4 May 1594
[illegible] of Yarmouth
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
70 Quarter Alcohol | Barley
3 June 1594
Margaret of Yarmouth [CHECK]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
70 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
27 November 1593
Anne of Yarmouth [check dest port & trader]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Dundee, Scotland
13 Tun Alcohol | Beer
4 March 1594
Reign of Dundee CHECK
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
50 Quarter Alcohol | Malt
8 July 1594
John of Leith [CHECK]
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Quarter Alcohol | Barley
17 July 1594
Sea Wind of Flushing
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Flushing, Netherlands
Alcohol | Malt
9 October 1593
[Illegible] of [illegible] CHECK LOCATION
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
60 Quarter Alcohol | Barley

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