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Chart showing results for consignment document_Archive_Reference (parent_ID: 77)(searchtype: browse)

27 May 1637
Anne of Grange
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Tun Alcohol | Beer
13 February 1636
Anne of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
20 Barrel Alcohol | Beer
8 May 1636
Anne of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
6 Cart Load Accessory | Mugs | Earthenware
26 September 1637
Anne of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales
1 Cart Load Accessory | Mugs | Earthenware
Anne of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
20 Barrel Alcohol | Beer
4 March 1636
Anne of Wallasey
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
17 March 1636
Content of Grange
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
20 May 1637
Content of Grange
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Tun Alcohol | Wine
27 May 1637
Content of Grange
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
3 Cart Load Accessory | Mugs | Earthenware
Delight of Gosport
London, England
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
6 Bag Alcohol | Hops
15 March 1636
Ferryboat of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
7 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
4 July 1637
Francis of Ribble
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Preston, Lancashire, England
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
13 March 1636
Gift of God of Wallasey
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Sedbergh, Millthrop, Yorkshire, England
8 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
11 December 1637
Gift of God of Wallasey
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
11 December 1637
Gift of God of Wallasey
10 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
11 March 1636
James of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
1 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
28 April 1637
Jane of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Chester, Cheshire, England
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
29 July 1637
Mary of Ribble
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Preston, Lancashire, England
1 Tun Alcohol | Wine
24 April 1636
Michael of Peele
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
14 Barrel Alcohol | Beer
Stephen of Wallasey
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Preston, Lancashire, England
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
7 February 1636
Stephen of Wallasey
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Preston, Lancashire, England
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
2 March 1636
William of Ribble
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Grange, Cheshire, England
10 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
19 December 1637
William of Ribble
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
8 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
William of Ribble
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Grange, Cheshire, England
10 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French

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