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Chart showing results for consignment destinationPort (parent_ID: 186)(searchtype: browse) over time

27 April 1580
- of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
27 April 1580
- of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
1 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
28 April 1580
- of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
28 April 1580
- of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
100 Unit Accessory | Cups | Train
20 March 1580
Ellen of Liverpool
Dublin, Ireland
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
3 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
20 March 1580
Ellen of Liverpool
Dublin, Ireland
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
3 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
16 May 1580
John of Tradarth
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
16 May 1580
John of Tradarth
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
27 July 1580
John of Tradarth
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
27 July 1580
John of Tradarth
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
27 August 1580
John of Tradarth
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
27 August 1580
John of Tradarth
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
7 March 1579
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
300 Unit Accessory | Cups | Train
15 June 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Dundalk, Ireland
5 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
16 June 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Dundalk, Ireland
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
4 July 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Dundalk, Ireland
1 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
4 July 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Dundalk, Ireland
5 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
4 July 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Dundalk, Ireland
4 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
15 August 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
10 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
15 August 1580
Margaret of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
5 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
7 October 1579
Michael of Ault
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
7 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
7 October 1579
Michael of Ault
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
4 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
6 September 1590
Michael of Ault
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
300 Unit Accessory | Cups | Train
6 September 1580
Michael of Ault
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
22 April 1580
Peter of Liverpool
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
400 Unit Accessory | Cups | Train
19 July 1580
Sun of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Carlingford, Ireland
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
7 April 1580
Sunday of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
300 Unit Accessory | Cups | Train
7 April 1580
Sunday of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
25 September 1580
Sunday of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
25 September 1580
Sunday of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
3 Hundredweight [cwt] Accessory | Cups | Train
25 September 1580
Sunday of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
2 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
25 September 1580
Sunday of -
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
1 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
21 October 1579
Sunday of Strangford
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
500 Unit Accessory | Cups | Train
27 October 1579
Sunday of Strangford
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
6 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
4 December 1579
Sunday of Strangford
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tradarth, Ireland
4 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops

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