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Chart showing results for consignment vessel_Name (parent_ID: 25)(searchtype: browse)

exact 9 March 1601
Amity of Yarmouth
La Rochelle, France
6 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Vinegar
exact 9 March 1601
Amity of Yarmouth
La Rochelle, France
2 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 17 September 1601
Black Arrant of Middelburg
Middelburg, Netherlands
7 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
6 June 1601
Blew Dow
Bordeaux, France
29 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 8 June 1601
Blew Dow
Rotterdam, Netherlands
2 Waw Accessory | Drinking Glasses | Essells
exact 10 November 1600
Blew Dow of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
1 Hundred Warp Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
exact 30 December 1600
Charity of Flushing
Bordeaux, France
29 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 26 January 1601
Charity of Flushing
Bordeaux, France
10 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 12 March 1601
Content of Lowestoft
Nantes, France
1 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | Vinegar
exact 22 September 1601
Dew of Rotterdam
7 Barrel Accessory | Clay
exact 11 December 1600
Diepper of Dieppe
Dieppe, France
30 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
exact 12 March 1601
Flowers of Comfort of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 12 March 1601
Flowers of Comfort of Yarmouth
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 11 March 1601
Flowers of Comfort of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
39 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 11 March 1601
Flowers of Comfort of Yarmouth
1 Tierce Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 11 March 1601
Flowers of Comfort of Yarmouth
20 Tuns Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 11 March 1601
Flowers of Comfort of Yarmouth
9 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 7 July 1601
Fortune of Flushing
Flushing, Netherlands
1 Butt Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
exact 27 March 1601
Fortune of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | Vinegar
exact 29 January 1601
Gift of God of Yarmouth
Rotterdam, Netherlands
4 Hundred Cast Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
29 October 1600
Golden Eagle of Egmond
Egmond, Netherlands
0.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | Vinegar
24 April 1601
Golden Lion of Calais
Calais, France
6 Hundredwight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
exact 5 January 1601
Grace of God of Somme
Somme, France
50 Hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
4 August 1601
Grace of God of Yarmouth
Rotterdam, Netherlands
3 Barrel Accessory | Drinking Glasses
exact 16 September 1601
Hart of Middelburg
Middelburg, Netherlands
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 11 October 1600
Hope of Dieppe
Dieppe, France
12 Case Accessory | Drinking Glasses | Normandy
exact 1 December 1600
Hopewell of Lowestoft
La Rochelle, France
xiii tuns Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 8 January 1601
Hopewell of Lowestoft
La Rochelle, France
4.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
10 October 1600
Hopewell of Yarmouth
Rotterdam, Netherlands
2 Case Accessory | Drinking Glasses | Normandy
12 February 1601
Hopewell of Yarmouth
Rotterdam, Netherlands
4.5 Maw Accessory | Drinking Glasses | Essells
exact 13 April 1601
Lamb of Flushing
Flushing, Netherlands
2 Butt Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
exact 13 April 1601
Lamb of Flushing
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
exact 13 April 1601
Lamb of Flushing
Flushing, Netherlands
7 hundredweight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
exact 7 March 1601
Leveret of Yarmouth
La Rochelle, France
05 Tun Alcohol | Wine | Vinegar
exact 14 August 1601
Mackerel of Fecamp
Danzig, Poland
1 Accessory | Drinking Glasses
exact 1 April 1601
Margaret of Lowestoft
Nantes, France
1 Barrel Alcohol | Barley
exact 5 June 1601
Mary of Vestmar
Vestmar, Norway
6 Shock Accessory | Cans
exact 8 August 1601
Nightingale of Middelburg
Middelburg, Netherlands
20 Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
exact 2 October 1600
Nightingale of Middelburg
Middelburg, Netherlands
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 8 October 1600
Nightingale of Middelburg
Middelburg, Netherlands
4 Awm Alcohol | Wine | Rhenish
exact 8 January 1601
Nightingale of Veere
Bordeaux, France
65 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 12 March 1601
Nightingale of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
1 Tierce Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Nightingale of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
18 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 14 April 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
200 Unit Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
exact 17 April 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
3 hundredwight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
exact 17 April 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
2 Hundredwight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
17 April 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
100 Unit Accessory | Pots | Stone
exact 25 May 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
1 Small Maund Accessory | Drinking Glasses
exact 17 July 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
0.5 Hundred Cast Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
1 May 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
6.5 Barrel Accessory | Clay
exact 8 June 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Rotterdam, Netherlands
10 Last Accessory | Clay
exact 29 August 1601
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
8 Last Accessory | Clay
exact 30 September 1600
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
1 hundredwight [cwt] Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
exact 10 November 1600
Pink of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
2 Hundred Cast Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
exact 17 October 1600
Post of Flushing
Flushing, Netherlands
2.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 4 September 1601
Post of Veere
Veere, Netherlands
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
exact 12 September 1601
Post of Veere
Veere, Netherlands
6 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 November 1600
Post of Veere
Veere, Netherlands
8 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 12 September 1601
Roger of Dieppe
Dieppe, France
9 Case Accessory | Drinking Glasses | Normandy
exact 6 June 1601
Samaritan of Dieppe
Dieppe, France
100 Dozen Accessory | Bottles | Earthenware
exact 19 June 1601
Solomon of Yarmouth
2.5 Hundred Accessory | Pots | Earthenware
19 June 1601
Solomon of Yarmouth
1 Tun Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack
exact 3 June 1601
Solomon of Yarmouth
12 Last Accessory | Clay
exact 2 June 1601
St Peter of Ripon
La Rochelle, France
2 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Rochelle
exact 4 September 1601
St Peter of Rotterdam
Rotterdam, Netherlands
10 Hundredwight [cwt] Alcohol | Hops
exact 20 June 1601
St Peter of Veere
Veere, Netherlands
3.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 1 October 1600
Susan of St Valery
St Valery, France
4 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 9 January 1601
Swan of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
37 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 28 November 1600
True of Campheare
Veere, Netherlands
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 11 October 1600
Valentine of Southampton
St Martin
13.5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French
exact 15 October 1600
Valentine of Southampton
St Martin
1 Hogshead Alcohol | Wine | French
exact 12 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
6 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
4 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
1 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
7 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
5 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 10 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
3 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 12 March 1601
Violet of Yarmouth
Bordeaux, France
9 Tun Alcohol | Wine | French | Gascony
exact 4 September 1601
White Swan of Veere
Rotterdam, Netherlands
2 Butt Alcohol | Wine | Spanish | Sack

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