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Bibliography (Editors or authors beginning with A)

Adams, J.Q., Chief Pre-Shakespearean Dramas (Cambridge: Riverside Press for Houghton Miflin, 1924)
Aleyn, Charles, The Battles of Crecy and Poitiers (London, 1631)
Alison, Richard, An Hour’s Recreation (London, 1606)
Allen, Herbert F.., A Study of the Comedies of Richard Brome, Especially as Representatives of Dramatic Decadence (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1912)
Andrews, C. E., 'The Authorship of The Late Lancashire Witches', Modern Language Notes, 28 (June 1913), -1
Andrews, Lancelot, XCVI. Sermons by the Right Honourable and Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrewes, late Lord Bishop of Winchester (London, 1629)
Andrews, J. A., 'The Common Law Marriage', Modern Law Review, 22 (1959), 396-407
Andrews, C.E., Richard Brome: A Study of his Life and Works (New Haven : Yale University Press, 1913)
Ap Robert, J., The younger brother his apologie, or a fathers free power disputed for the disposition of his lands, or other his fortunes to his sonne, sonnes, or any one of them: as right reason, the lawes of God and nature, the civill, canon, and municipall laws of this kingdome doe command (Oxford, 1634)
ap Shone, Shinkin, The Honest Welsh Cobbler (London, 1647)
Apperson, G. L., ed., The Wordsworth Dictionary of Proverbs (Ware: Wordsworth, 1993)
Arbeau, Thoinot and Mary Stewart Evans, Orchesography 2nd edn (New York: Dover, 1967)
Archer, Ian, The Pursuit of Stability (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991)
Archer, Ian, 'The Government of London, 1500-1650', London Journal, 26 (2001), 19-28
Archer, Ian W., 'Material Londoners?' in Material London, c.1600(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000), 174-192
Aretino, Pietro, The School of Whoredom (London: Hesperus Press, 2003)
Ariosto, Ludivico and John Harington (trans.), Orlando Furioso (London, 1591)
Armin, Robert, The Two Maids of Mortlake (London, 1610)
Arnold, Janet, The Cut and Construction of Clothes for Both Men and Women c.1550-1620 (London: Macmillan, 1985)
Ascham, Roger, The Schoolmaster (1570)
Ashton, Robert, 'Popular Entertainment and Social Control in Later Elizabethan and Early Stuart London', London Journal, 9 (1983), 3-19
Ashton, Robert, The City and the Court, 1603-1643 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979)
Astington, John H., 'The Messalina Stage and Salisbury Court Plays', Theatre Journal, 43 (May 1991), 141-156
Astington, John H., English Court Theatre: 1558-1647 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
Astington, John H., 'The Wits Illustration, 1662', Theatre Notebook, 47 (1993), 122-140
Astington, John H., 'The Origins of the Roxana and Messalina Illustrations', Shakespeare Survey, 43 (1991), 149-169
Astington, John H., 'Rereading Illustrations of the English Stage', Shakespeare Survey, 50 (1998), 151-170
Astington, John H., 'Descent Machinery in the Playhouses', Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England, 2 (1985), 119-133
Atherton, Ian and Julie Sanders, eds, The 1630s: Interdisciplinary Essays on Culture and Politics in the Caroline Era (Manchester: Mancherster University Press, 2006)
Aubrey, John and ed. O.L. Dick, Aubrey's Brief Lives: Edited with the original manuscripts and with an introduction by Oliver Lawson Dick 3rd edn (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958)
Aubrey, John and Andrew Clark, `Brief Lives,' chiefy of Contemporaries, set down by John Aubrey, between the Years 1669 & 1696, edited from the author's MSS 2 vols, 1st edn (Oxford: Clarendon, 1898)

Contact: Richard Brome Online, ISBN 978-0-9557876-1-4.   © Copyright Royal Holloway, University of London, 2010