Place Search


Searching for Places

You can enter as many or as few search criteria as you want. Leaving all text boxes blank and not making any selection from the drop-down list (leaving the default selection of 'Any') is the same as browsing all places. If your search returns more than 20 results, the results will be divided by the first letter of the toponym.

* can be used as a wildcard character, to represent zero or more characters. It can be used in any text input box and can be used as many times as desired. For example, entering M* into the toponym text box will result in a list of all places with a toponym beginning with M, whilst entering *ham* into the toponym text box will result in a list of all places with toponyms which contain the letters 'ham', including Foulsham, Hampton and Kingston-upon-Thames. The wildcard character is particularly useful when searching the description and notes fields, as these are longer fields which are unlikely to generate an exact match - for example, entering *manor* into the description field will return a list of all places, where manor is mentioned in the description.

If your search does not return as many results as expected, it may help to widen your search by removing some of search criteria - searching on toponym only and not parish as well. It may also help to use wildcards as described above. Alternatively, you could try a search on a different criteria or search for a related person or place, and then view associated places.

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